Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tiny Dancer

A few months back we were in a store and Kira was playing with a jewelry box with a little ballerina twirling atop it.  She asked me what it was and I tried to explain.  So for the coming weeks she expressed in her words, "I want to be a ballereen".  So what's a Momma to do, why of course start ballet classes! Not sure if she was enjoying this new venture, I asked if I could photograph the girls as they practiced for the upcoming Holiday show.  What impressed me was how much fun Kira was having, spinning, twirling and inter-acting with the other children.  It was so cute to watch them I couldn't help but smile the entire time.

The day of the show I made sure that Kira received official "stage pampering", you know the updew, facial makeup, sparkles, mani/pedi and matching lipstick and body sparkles.  It was fun putting on her makeup, she even enjoyed mascara.

Then the dancers were called to line up and head to the stage down the hall.  I grabbed my gear, ran to the theatre just in time to see them perform.  AND THERE SHE WAS, my little Sugar Plum, STAGE RIGHT...just standing there looking for me, the entire performance!  Well at least she didn't run off the stage (they had stage catchers just in case)!  She proudly and gracefully bowed to the audience as everyone clapped and promptly fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Ok, first, you pay careful attention to the dance teacher,

Then you think "should I eat my pb and j or get in front of a huge crowd and cry:))

Then again this is a pretty Ballereen Dress

So she carefully observes the other dancers, takes her friends hand, and then...she dances!

in perfect form, at home!

That's my girl, I so love you.


  1. She's such a beautiful ballerina, Ivy! Simply gorgeous... I don't think I could muster the courage to go out in front of all those people either! Glad you got her to dance at home for you :)

  2. Oh my word - SO precious!!! Three girls, but I've never had a ballerina. So much fun! So what's the scoop on your camera? Did you get yours repaired or get a new one?

  3. She looks beautiful! And, hey, she stayed on stage! That's a lot for a little one.

    (But now I'm wondering what the stage catchers DO when they catch them? Heh.)

  4. Beautiful girly and Beautiful pictures Ivy!
