Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Ramblings

I so can not believe that it is January already!  Our third Gotcha Day was on January 7th, last Friday.  It feels like yesterday when I first held this child, my gorgeous baby girl in my arms (only now she's 20 lbs heavier) and it's been three entire years?  Okay, so now I see what everyone means when they say "they grow up fast", it's true.  I had to look at a few videos of her as a baby to realize how grown up she is now.  It is strange to hear her babbling back then and think "when is she going to talk"?  Now it's the reverse, I try to recall those first few months as a new mother and remember how awkward it was to ease on into my new job.  Yikes there was no internship or mentoring, more like flying by the seat of one's pants!  Fortunate for me I did have amazing role models, my Mother and my sister who happily advised me when needed.

I know I re-made this blog so I would write more often, yet somehow I can't find enough hours in the day to write or perhaps it's that I'm too tired or java'd out and can't sit still:))  yeah, that's more like it and explains my insomnia.

My photography has slacked off because I dropped my camera, BUT bought a full frame Nikon to replace it and if there was ever motivation to go and pursue my business this camera is it.  The photos are magnificent directly out of the camera.  I have been contemplating (before my other camera fell to the ground)  buying another 1/2 framed Nikon but my husband surprised me with the D700 and I can see for sure why it's worth the money!  This time around I'm insuring this expensive piece of equipment, including accidental falls.  Anyway I did manage to get some amazing photos of Kira  and even with slow shutter, ISO and aperture wide open, there was barely any blur, except when the tot started throwing things at me.

So now I'm also trying to get creative and sort out the toys, photos, learning books and make my living room look "user friendly", well I guess it is user friendly, perhaps neat and tidy, or just clean would be more like it.  I've lost track on how many times I've tripped over a block, shoe or some technological talking toy.  I need cabinets, drawers and shelves stacked at least to the ceiling.  Just can't decide what kind of look to go for.  Crate and Barrel, PB or Home Depot.  It doesn't matter as long as the toys get put away by the end of the week LOL!

For now, the holidays have passed and a New Year is here.  I didn't make any resolutions, but decided I do need to get out more, exercise and eat better (dried mangoes and soy lattes don't count as protein and veggies)  Also bought a work out tape, but find watching others working out more interesting and less breathless.  I remember the good old days when I would ski hours on end, or work hours on end (without a break) and now wonder how I did it.  Maybe more soy lattes???  Actually I was recently introduced to the WII or some facsimile there of and found it so much fun.  Hmmm, next investment perhaps!

Okay enough rambling for now.  Some of my favorite photos of my babe "working it" as she says when she allows me to take some photos of her.

1 comment:

  1. Love the vivid pictures Ivy!!!Love the outfit too! Hey I just wanted to ask you a question about camera's again!!!! I just bought the Nikon D3100, and now am thinking I should have gotten the Nikon 5000. I know you told me to get the D90 and that was my plan, but I found this one shopping one day on sale and got it. Both of these camera's were on sale for the same price.Know anything about these 2 camera's? I do want the 50mm and 85mm lens. I also wanted to show you what I have been making lately stop by my website to check them out. Your little cuties outfit made me think of it. blessings! BTW....Happy Gotcha Day!!!
