Saturday, January 21, 2012

Look who's turning Five!

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
Author: Walt Disney

To my Dear Kira,

I still remember clearly, the day I first set eyes on you.  A crying tiny, babe, bundled up in yellow and blue.  Your cries were soft as you looked at me; frightened and confused just like any baby.

But you weren’t just any other baby, you were my daughter, the child I had dreamed about, longed every night for. 

I held you close to comfort you, but your sobs lingered a day or two.  I knew the love that was here awaiting you, but it would take time for you to trust and know me, just like I too.  We were a pair, the two of us, a mother and daughter who found one another at last. 

Words can’t explain just how much I adore and love you, I can only show you my heart is in my hand, always there to reach out to you.

Now four years later, my love for you is stronger and we understand each other as mother and daughter.  I love your hugs and kisses and combing your soft brown hair.  I love when you snuggle up and ask to be held so tightly, even if you do this every single nightly!

Oh dear Kira, you’ve become quite the young lady, so sweet, kind and gentle, your personality entertains me daily.

Now that you’re going to be five, I look back at the past few years and just sigh. 
They have gone so quickly while I was trying to discover this role of Motherhood; but it’s okay, I got it down now for there's now two in our brood!

My little yummy (aka for Kira),  I just want to say,  I wish you a very healthy and happy Birthday.

Love forever,
Your Mommy

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.
Albert Einstein


  1. Ivy,
    What a beautiful post for your darling little Kira!!! You know I love those bright, vibrant photos, too. But I especially love that you were photographed with your beautiful girlS!!! Don't you love that little "s" at the end of that word? ;)

    Happy Birthday, Kira!!!


  2. Happy 5th Birthday Kira!!!

    I hope your day is fun filled and special. So sorry we are going to miss the party, but we hope to see you soon.

    Beautiful photos Ivy..... She has grown up right before our eyes. I still see that teeny tiny two year old sitting in the wagon with Sarah as they fought each other for the baby Elmo.....HAHA!!! Both she and Sarah have come a long way in the department of sharing.



  3. Beautiful post and fabulous photos to match, Ivy!! Happy Birthday Kira!! 5 is such a fun age. Enjoy your birthday. Gosh I can't believe she's 5, the time is flying by!!

  4. Soooooooooo Beautiful!
    Happy Birthday sweet Kira!

  5. Happy birthday to your beautiful girl!!! Beautiful inside and out! Blessings and love!

  6. Happy Birthday beautiful Kira, we love you very much!

  7. Happy Birthday to your beautiful, beautiful girl!!!

    Ivy, I just love the pic of you with your girlies...gorgeous!

    Love and blessings,

  8. I am so excited for all the wonderful things she has in store. She is exceptional.
