Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Welcome Home (again) Shelby

Most already know that our Shelby is finally home!  We are ecstatic and thrilled that our little daughter is back home safe and sound after a very long 2 month hospitalization.  Though she has little or no recall of her long surgery and in patient recovery, we still had to do a bit of drug weaning at home and empty one of her drains for about another 5 days and now her biggest challenge is learning to walk again.

She is extremely motivated though and in the past two weeks has made great strides in standing with assistance and taking small baby steps.  Her tiny little legs are straight for the first time in her life and I think she feels a bit unbalanced.  It's cute to see her laugh and giggle and say "whoa" at her new found stance.  I can say without a doubt she is one amazing little girl who continues to laugh throughout the day and constantly request her sister by her side.  

I simply can not say how grateful we are to Dr. Gearhart, the nursing staff, pain management, nutritional services and the wonderful Child Life Specialists who kept her entertained when we couldn't be there.  Shelby is a healthy little girl who continues to show her strength and resilience.  

We thank you all for the wonderful comments and prayers during her recovery.  

Shelby, you go girl, the world is your canvas!

Life is like riding a bicycle
In order to keep your balance,
You must keep moving!


  1. So very happy to hear that she is home!! Enjoy that sweet girl and her always special big sister!


  2. Welcome Home Shelby. Glad you are back once again with your family in your forever home. Can't wait to hear and read about all of your accomplishments you will be making.
    Have fun and enjoy your sister and family.

  3. Ivy, I am so happy to see your sweet girl back at home where she belongs. Sounds like she is doing extremely well and I am sure she will be walking(make that running)again in no time!!



  4. So happy your baby girl is finally home!!! Now she can continue to practice being mobile, I'm sure she's being spoiled rotten like she should be.

    Happily this is behind you all!! She's adorable, love this photo Ivy.

