Friday, June 5, 2009

It's June Already

Where does the time go?  I honestly can't believe it's June and the next thing you know it will be August, September and back to the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the holidays!  Oh well, guess being a Mom has been keeping me busier than I thought, in addition to my new addiction of photography!  Yes I am completely glued to flickr these days and learning new ways to process my photos.  However, the sweetest photos are the ones I take of my Kira, saying "no Mommy" as she pushes me over.  

My little bug has grown these past few months...talking, climbing and in her own way "arguing" that it's not time to go to bed yet (there's just so much to explore in one day)!  I have to say I find her pretty entertaining these days as she is repeating almost everything she hears or what I ask her to say.  Some words are quite clear and others are cute Kira talk.

I love when she says Mommy!  Now that's very clear instead of Maaaaah
She wants me to put lipstick on her when she sees me putting it on and the other day I saw her take deodorant and rub it under her arms, laughing to myself that she truly does mimick what she sees.  Elmo is still her home boy, but she's slowly acclimating to DadadaDora!  Thank goodness, new DVD's to buy and listen to.  However I can't knock elmo completely, those DVD's have taught her shapes, colors and how to count to 10.  She loves to sing her ABC's, Old McDonald and The Itsy Bitsy Spidey (as she affectionately refers to it).  She can ask for her little friends by their names, Maddie, Sarah and Tori and is as excited to see them as I am my friends (their Mommy's).  Yes, my baby girl is growing up and it's happening right before my eyes.  If it weren't for my photography, I wouldn't realize the changes.  She's taller, more muscular and definitely stronger.  Her facial features are more more pronounced, but there's still just a small scar over the right side of her upper lip from the repair done while she was only 5 months old.  She remains so engaging and happy and so enjoys being in the company of family and friends.  

Okay, so this is another post where I am bragging, but I can't help it.  She's my daughter and I still love saying repeating that!

So as the days of June go by, I will try even harder to make the summer days linger as I watch my daughter explore, learn and love the world around her.


Kim said...

You have every right to brag! What a sweetheart!

The Byrd's Nest said...

She is so worthy of your bragging....she is a perfect gift from God and I love hearing about her!

Jboo said...

Beautiful photos of your girl! She sounds like such an amazing and wonderful daughter! Have a fun weekend.


kerri said...

Brag away, it's our given right as proud Moms.
Wonderful pictures Ivy, the rose looks like I could reach out and touch it...

mommy24treasures said...

oooh love the photo of her running!
She is a beauty...

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